\name{columnDescriptions} \alias{columnDescriptions} \title{Get column descriptions for the GEOmetadb database} \description{ Searching the GEOmetadb database requires a bit of knowledge about the structure of the database and column descriptions. This function returns those column descriptions for all columns in all tables in the database. } \usage{ columnDescriptions(sqlite_db_name='GEOmetadb.sqlite') } \arguments{ \item{sqlite_db_name}{The filename of the GEOmetadb sqlite database file} } \value{ A three-column data.frame including TableName, FieldName, and Description. } \references{http://meltzerlab.nci.nih.gov/apps/geo} \author{Sean Davis } \examples{ if(file.exists('GEOmetadb.sqlite')) { columnDescriptions()[1:5,] } else { print("You will need to usethe getSQLiteFile() function to get a copy of the SQLite database file before this example will work") } } \keyword{ database }