\name{showPair} \alias{showPair} \title{ A function for looking at a pair's differential co-expression } \description{ This function plots the expression data for a given pair, coloring by condition. A regression line may be added; this line may be made robust so that it only uses those data points used by biweight midcorrelation } \usage{ showPair(pair, X, conditions, gsep = "~", regLine = TRUE, useBWMC = TRUE, colors = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{pair}{ A pair name, such as ABC~XYZ, where ~ is the separator given by gsep } \item{X}{ An m-by-n expression matrix, where rows are genes and columns are chips (subjects); include all chips in X, indicate condition in the conditions array } \item{conditions}{The conditions array } \item{gsep}{ A separator that indicates a gene-pair, such as P53~MAPK1. The separator should not appear in any of the gene names } \item{regLine}{ Should a regression line be drawn for each condition? } \item{useBWMC}{ Should the regression line be robust, a la biweight midcorrelation? } \item{colors}{Colors for the different conditions. Defaults to palette() } \item{\dots}{ Other options to be passed to plot(), with three exceptions. The lty= and lwd= options will be passed to abline() and will have an effect on the plot when regLine=TRUE; col= is overwritten by the colors= array and may not be specified. All other ... options will be passed to the main plot. } } \value{Returns invisble(NULL) } \references{ Dawson JA and Kendziorski C. An empirical Bayesian approach for identifying differential co-expression in high-throughput experiments. (2011) Biometrics. E-publication before print: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01688.x/abstract } \author{ John A. Dawson } \examples{ data(fiftyGenes) tinyCond <- c(rep(1,100),rep(2,25)) showPair("X1~X2",fiftyGenes, conditions=tinyCond, pch=20, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4)) # showPair("X26~X35",fiftyGenes, conditions=tinyCond, pch=20, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4)) # showPair("X1~X35",fiftyGenes, conditions=tinyCond, pch=20, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4)) } \keyword{ hplot }