\name{rankMyGenes} \alias{rankMyGenes} \title{A function to rank the genes by the number of DC pairs in which they appear } \description{ This function uses a threshold to determine the names of the DC pairs. It then splits those pairs into their constituent genes and tables them. A sorted version of that table is then returned. This information may be useful for those investigating `differential hubbing' -- see the Hudson et al. reference for more information } \usage{ rankMyGenes(emOut, thresh = 0.95, sep = "~") } \arguments{ \item{emOut}{The output of an ebCoexpressSeries function call } \item{thresh}{A threshold for determining whether a pair is DC. This may be set as a hard threshold (default is hard 5% FDR) or a soft threshold, as returned by crit.fun } \item{sep}{The separator used in the pair names } } \value{A sorted, named array of gene counts} \references{ Dawson JA and Kendziorski C. An empirical Bayesian approach for identifying differential co-expression in high-throughput experiments. (2011) Biometrics. E-publication before print: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01688.x/abstract Hudson NJ, Reverter A, Dalrymple BP (2009) A Differential Wiring Analysis of Expression Data Correctly Identifies the Gene Containing the Causal Mutation. PLoS Comput Biol 5(5): e1000382. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000382 } \author{ John A. Dawson } \seealso{ebCoexpressSeries, crit.fun } \examples{ data(fiftyGenes) tinyCond <- c(rep(1,100),rep(2,25)) tinyPat <- ebPatterns(c("1,1","1,2")) D <- makeMyD(fiftyGenes, tinyCond, useBWMC=TRUE) set.seed(3) initHP <- initializeHP(D, tinyCond) zout <- ebCoexpressZeroStep(D, tinyCond, tinyPat, initHP) rankMyGenes(zout) } \keyword{ univar }