\name{obsolete} \alias{moments} \alias{cmoments} \alias{smoments} \alias{rmoments} \alias{edgeFeatures} \alias{edgeProfile} \alias{haralickMatrix} \alias{haralickFeatures} \alias{hullFeatures} \alias{zernikeMoments} \title{Obsolete feature computation functions} \description{ The following functions to compute object features are obsolete. Please use \code{computeFeatures} instead. } \usage{ moments(x, ref) cmoments(x, ref) rmoments(x, ref) smoments(x, ref, pw=3, what="scale") edgeFeatures(x, ref) edgeProfile(x, ref, n=32, fft=TRUE, scale=TRUE, rotate=TRUE) haralickFeatures(x, ref, nc = 32) haralickMatrix(x, ref, nc = 32) hullFeatures(x) zernikeMoments(x, ref, N = 12, R = 30) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{Image} object or an array containing object masks. Object masks are sets of pixels with the same unique integer value.} \item{ref}{An \code{Image} object or an array, containing the intensity values of the objects.} \item{pw}{A numeric value specifying the maximum moment order to compute. Default is 3.} \item{what}{A character string partially matching \code{central} or \code{scale}, specifiying what kind of moments to compute. Default is \code{scale}.} \item{n}{ An integer value giving the number of angle measures. The full circle of \code{[-pi,pi]} is divided into \code{n-1} segments, at which edges the profile is approximated. } \item{fft}{ A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the resulting profile is the \code{\link{fft}} transformation of the distance profile giving the frequences of angular changes in shape. } \item{scale}{ A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the resulting profile is scaled by the effective radius (calcualted as part of \code{link{hull.features}}) making the profile scale invariant. } \item{rotate}{ A logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the resulting profile is shifted by the object's roation angle (calculated from the \code{\link{moments}} on the \code{ref} image, if provided, and on the hull otherwise. } \item{nc}{ A numeric value. Specifies the number of gray levels used to compute the co-occurrence matrix. Default value is 32.} \item{N}{A numeric. Indicates the maximal order of Zernike polynomials to be computed. Default value is 12.} \item{R}{A numeric. Defines the radius of the circle in pixels around object centers from which the features are calculated.} } \value{ Obsolete. } \seealso{ \code{\link{computeFeatures}}, \code{\link{computeFeatures.basic}}, \code{\link{computeFeatures.shape}}, \code{\link{computeFeatures.moment}}, \code{\link{computeFeatures.haralick}} } \author{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de}, 2011 } \examples{ example(computeFeatures) }