\name{drawtext} \alias{drawtext} \alias{drawfont} \title{Draw text on images.} \description{ Draws text on images. } \usage{ drawtext(img, xy, labels, font, col) drawfont(family=switch(.Platform$OS.type, windows="Arial", "helvetica"), style="n", size=14, weight=200, antialias=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{img}{An \code{Image} object or an array.} \item{xy}{Matrix (or a list of matrices if \code{img} contains multiple frames) of coordinates of labels.} \item{labels}{A character vector (or a list of vectors if \code{img} contains multiple frames) containing the labels to be output.} \item{font}{A font object, returned by \code{drawfont}. If missing, a default OS-dependent font will be chosen.} \item{col}{A character vector of font colors.} \item{family}{A character value indicating the font family to use. Valid examples on Linux/UNIX systems include \code{helvetica}, \code{times}, \code{courier} and \code{symbol}. Valid examples on Windows machines include TrueType like \code{Arial} and \code{Verdana}.} \item{style}{A character value specifying the font style to use. Supported styles are: \code{normal} (default), \code{italic}, and \code{oblique}. } \item{size}{Font size in points.} \item{weight}{A numeric value indicating the font weight (bold font). Supported values range between 100 and 900.} \item{antialias}{A logical value indicating whether the font should be anti-aliased.} } \value{ An \code{Image} object or an array, containing the transformed version of \code{img}. } \author{ Oleg Sklyar, \email{osklyar@ebi.ac.uk}, 2007 } \examples{ lena = readImage(system.file("images", "lena-color.png", package="EBImage")) font = drawfont(weight=600, size=28) lena = drawtext(lena, xy=c(250, 450), labels="Lena", font=font, col="white") if (interactive()) display(lena) }