\name{dba.mask} \alias{dba.mask} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Derive a mask to define a subset of peaksets or sites for a DBA object } \description{ Derives a mask to define a subset of peaksets or sites for a DBA object. } \usage{ dba.mask(DBA, attribute, value, combine='or', mask, merge='or', bApply=FALSE, peakset, minValue=-1) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ %\subsection{Required arguments}{} \item{DBA}{ DBA object } \item{attribute}{ when deriving a peakset mask, attribute to base mask on: \itemize{ \item DBA_ID \item DBA_TISSUE \item DBA_FACTOR \item DBA_CONDITION \item DBA_TREATMENT \item DBA_REPLICATE \item DBA_CONSENSUS \item DBA_CALLER \item DBA_CONTROL } } %\subsection{Optional/defaulted arguments}{} \item{value}{ when deriving a peakset/sample mask, attribute value (or vector of attribute values) to match. } \item{combine}{ when deriving a peakset/sample mask, if value is a vector, OR when deriving a site mask, and peaksets is a vector, this is method for combining result of each value: \itemize{ \item \dQuote{or} \item \dQuote{and} \item \dQuote{nor} \item \dQuote{nand} } } \item{mask}{ when deriving a peakset/sample mask, this specifies an existing mask to merge with; if missing, create new mask } \item{merge}{ when deriving a peakset/sample mask, and an existing mask is supplied, this speficies the method for combining new mask with supplied mask: \itemize{ \item \dQuote{or} \item \dQuote{and} \item \dQuote{nor} \item \dQuote{nand} note: if mask is missing, \dQuote{nand} results in negative of mask } } \item{bApply}{ when deriving a peakset/sample mask, a logical indicating that a new DBA object with the mask applied will be returned. } \item{peakset}{ when deriving a peak/site mask, this specifies a peakset number, or a vector of peakset numbers. The resulting mask will indicate which of the overall sites were called as peaks in this peakset or set of peaksets. If a vector, the masks for each of the peaksets will be combined using the method specified in the combine parameter. } \item{minValue}{ when deriving a peak/site mask, scores greater than this value will be considered as indicating that the site corresponds to a called peakset. } } \details{ %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ MODE: Derive a a mask of peaksets/samples: dba.mask(DBA, attribute, value, combine, mask, merge, bApply) MODE: Derive a mask of peaks/sites: dba.mask(DBA, combine, mask, merge,bApply, peakset, minValue) } \value{ either a logical mask, or new DBA object if bApply is TRUE. } %\references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %} \author{ Rory Stark } \note{ %% ~~further notes~~ dba automatically generates masks for each unique value of DBA_TISSUE, DBA_FACTOR, DBA_CONDITION, DBA_TREATMENT, DBA_CALLER, and DBA_REPLICATE. These are accessible using masks field of the DBA object (DBA$masks), and can be viewed using names(DBA$masks). } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %\seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ %} \examples{ data(tamoxifen_peaks) # Pre-made masks names(tamoxifen$masks) dba.show(tamoxifen,tamoxifen$masks$MCF7) # New masks mcf7Mask = dba.mask(tamoxifen,DBA_TISSUE, "MCF7") mcf7DerivedMask = dba.mask(tamoxifen,DBA_TISSUE,"TAMR",mask=mcf7Mask) mcf7Derived = dba(tamoxifen,mcf7DerivedMask) mcf7Derived } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. %\keyword{ ~kwd1 } %\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line