\name{dba.analyze} \alias{dba.analyze} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Perform differential binding affinity analysis } \description{ Performs differential binding affinity analysis } \usage{ dba.analyze(DBA, method=DBA$config$AnalysisMethod, bSubControl=TRUE, bFullLibrarySize=FALSE, bTagwise=TRUE, bCorPlot=TRUE, bReduceObjects=T, bParallel=DBA$config$RunParallel) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ %\subsection{Required arguments}{} \item{DBA}{ DBA object. If no contrasts are specified (DBA$contrast is NULL), default contrasts will be added via a call to dba.contrast(DBA). } %\subsection{Optional/defaulted arguments}{} \item{method}{ method, or vector of methods, by which to analyze differential binding affinity. Supported methods: \itemize{ \item DBA_EDGER \item DBA_DESEQ \item DBA_EDGER_CLASSIC \item DBA_DESEQ_CLASSIC \item DBA_EDGER_GLM \item DBA_DESEQ_GLM } } \item{bSubControl}{ logical indicating whether Control read counts are subtracted for each site in each sample before performing analysis. } \item{bFullLibrarySize}{ logical indicating if the full library size (total number of reads in BAM/SAM/BED file) for each sample is used for scaling normalization. If FALSE, the total number of reads present in the peaks for each sample is used (generally preferable). } \item{bTagwise}{ logical indicating if dispersion should be calculated on a tagwise (or per-condition) basis. If there are only a very few members of each group in a contrast (e.g. no replicates), this should be set to FALSE. } \item{bCorPlot}{ logical indicating whether to plot a correlation heatmap for the analyzed data (first contrast only). If no sites are significantly differentially bound using the default threholds, no heatmap will be plotted. } \item{bReduceObjects}{ logical indicating whether strip the analysis objects of unnecessary fields to save memory. If it is desired to used the DBA$contrasts[[n]]$edgeR and/or DBA$contrasts[[n]]$DESeq objects directly in the edgeR and/or DESeq packages, this should be set to FALSE. } \item{bParallel}{ logical indicating that the analyses is to be done in parallel using multicore (one process for each contrast for each method, plus an additional process per method). } } \details{ See the DBA User Guide for more details on how the edgeR and DESeq analyses are carried out. } \value{ DBA object with results of analysis added to DBA$contrasts. } \author{ Rory Stark } \note{ If the "edgeR" method is specified, and there is a blocking factor for the contrast(s) specified using a previous call to dba.contrast, a multi-factor analysis will automatically be carried out in addition to a single factor analysis. } \examples{ data(tamoxifen_counts) tamoxifen = dba.analyze(tamoxifen) tamoxifen tamoxifen = dba.analyze(tamoxifen,method=c(DBA_EDGER,DBA_DESEQ)) tamoxifen }