\name{DiffBind-package} \alias{DiffBind-package} \alias{DiffBind} \docType{package} \title{ Differential Binding Analysis of ChIP-seq peaksets } \description{ Differential binding analysis of ChIP-seq peaksets } \details{ Computes differentially bound sites from multiple ChIP-seq experiments using affinity (quantitative) data. Also enables occupancy (overlap) analysis and plotting functions. Entry Points: \tabular{ll}{ dba: \tab Construct a dba object\cr dba.peakset: \tab Add a peakset to, or retrieve a peakset from, a dba object\cr \cr dba.overlap: \tab Compute binding site overlaps and/or correlations\cr dba.count: \tab Count reads in binding sites\cr \cr dba.contrast: \tab Establish contrast(s) for analysis\cr dba.analyze: \tab Execute affinity analysis\cr dba.report: \tab Generate report for a contrast analysis\cr \cr dba.plotHeatmap:\tab Heatmap plot\cr dba.plotPCA: \tab Principal Components plot\cr dba.plotBox: \tab Boxplots\cr dba.plotMA: \tab MA/scatter plot\cr dba.plotVenn: \tab Venn diagram plot\cr \cr dba.show: \tab Show dba metadata\cr dba.mask: \tab Mask samples or sites \cr \cr dba.save: \tab Save dba object\cr dba.load: \tab Load dba object\cr } } \author{ Rory Stark and Gordon Brown } %\references{ %} \keyword{ package } %\seealso{ %} %\examples{ % %}