\name{zoomIntoRegion} \alias{zoomIntoRegion} \title{Zoomed in view of genomic region} \description{ This program computes the frequency of gains and losses for each probe as a function of level of mad. } \usage{ zoomIntoRegion(x, chrom, sampleid, maploc.start=NULL, maploc.end=NULL, pt.pch=NULL, pt.cex=NULL, pt.col=NULL, segcol=NULL, seglwd=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class DNAcopy.} \item{chrom}{the chromosome in which the region lies.} \item{sampleid}{the sample of interest.} \item{maploc.start}{genomic start position of the region of interest. Default is the beginning of the chromosome.} \item{maploc.end}{genomic end position of the region of interest. Default is the end of the chromosome.} \item{pt.pch}{the plotting character used for plotting the log-ratio values (default is ".").} \item{pt.cex}{the size of plotting character used for the log-ratio values (default is 3 if "." and 1 otherwise).} \item{pt.col}{the color used for the points. Default is green3.} \item{segcol}{the color of the lines indicating the segment means. If missing the line color is set to be red.} \item{seglwd}{line weight of lines for segment mean and zeroline. If missing it is set to 3.} \item{...}{additional plotting options.} } \details{ This command plots the region of interest with the log-ratio and segments. It works for a region from a single chromosome in a single sample. So if more than one chromosome and/or one sample are given only the first chromosome from the first sample will be used. } \examples{ data(coriell) #Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23 CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330), coriell$Chromosome,coriell$Position, data.type="logratio",sampleid=c("c05296","c13330")) #We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis #Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object) #Segmentation at default parameters segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose=1) zoomIntoRegion(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, chrom=10, sampleid="c05296") } \author{Venkatraman E. Seshan \email{seshanv@mskcc.org} } \keyword{nonparametric}