\name{plotSample} \alias{plotSample} \title{Plot the data and results from segmentation for a single sample} \description{ Plots the data for a single sample from a copy number array experiment (aCGH, ROMA etc.) along with the results of segmenting it into regions of equal copy numbers. } \usage{ plotSample(x, sampleid=NULL, chromlist=NULL, xmaploc=FALSE, col=c("black","green"), pch=".", cex=1, altcol=TRUE, segcol="red", lwd=3, zeroline=TRUE, zlcol="grey", xlab="", ylab="", main="", ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{DNAcopy} resulting from analyzing data from copy number array experiments.} \item{sampleid}{the sample for which the plot is requested. Should be a valid sample name or number. If missing the first sample is plotted.} \item{chromlist}{a vector of chromosome numers or names to be plotted. If missing the whole genome is plotted.} \item{xmaploc}{a logical indicating if data are plotted against genomic position or Index. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.} \item{col}{a vector of two colors that can be used for alternating colors for successive chromosomes.} \item{pch}{the plotting character. Defaults to \code{.}.} \item{cex}{the size of plotting character. Default is 1 (3 of `.').} \item{altcol}{a logical indicating if colors of successive chromosomes should be alternated. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.} \item{segcol}{color for segment means.} \item{zeroline}{a logical indicating if the zeroline is drawn. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.} \item{zlcol}{color for zero line.} \item{lwd}{thickness of the lines.} \item{xlab}{the x-axis lavel.} \item{ylab}{the y-axis label.} \item{main}{the main title. Default is the sample name.} \item{...}{other arguments to the \code{plot} function can be passed here.} } \details{ This function plots the whole genome and segmentation results for a single sample. This function overcomes the deficiency in the plot.DNAcopy function which cycles through all the samples. If sampleid is not specified the first sample is plotted. } \examples{ #Read in two examples from Snijders et al. data(coriell) #Combine into one CNA object to prepare for analysis on Chromosomes 1-23 CNA.object <- CNA(cbind(coriell$Coriell.05296,coriell$Coriell.13330), coriell$Chromosome,coriell$Position, data.type="logratio",sampleid=c("c05296","c13330")) #We generally recommend smoothing single point outliers before analysis #Make sure to check that the smoothing is proper smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object) #Segmentation at default parameters segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose=1) # Plot whole sample c13330 plotSample(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, sampleid="c13330") # Plot only chromosomes 1,3,5,7,9 from first sample plotSample(segment.smoothed.CNA.object, sampleid=1, chromlist=c(1,3,5,7,9)) } \keyword{nonparametric}