\name{nbinomTestForMatrices} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{nbinomTestForMatrices} \title{ Perform row-wise tests for differences between the base means of two count matrices. } \description{ This function is called by \code{\link{nbinomTest}}. Call it directly only if the S4 interface is unsuitable for your task. } \usage{ nbinomTestForMatrices(countsA, countsB, sizeFactorsA, sizeFactorsB, dispsA, dispsB ) } \arguments{ \item{countsA}{ A matrix of counts, where each column is a replicate } \item{countsB}{ Another matrix of counts, where each column is a replicate} \item{sizeFactorsA}{ Size factors for the columns of the matrix 'countsA' } \item{sizeFactorsB}{ Size factors for the columns of the matrix 'countsB' } \item{dispsA}{ The dispersions for 'countsA', a vector with one value per gene } \item{dispsB}{ The same for 'countsB' } } \details{ See the vignette for an exact description of the null hypothesis tested. } \value{ A vector of unadjusted p values, one for each row in the counts matrices. } \author{ Simon Anders, sanders@fs.tum.de } \examples{ cds <- makeExampleCountDataSet() cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds ) cds <- estimateDispersions( cds, method="per-condition" ) colsA <- conditions(cds) == "A" colsB <- conditions(cds) == "B" bmvA <- getBaseMeansAndVariances( counts(cds)[,colsA], sizeFactors(cds)[colsA] ) bmvB <- getBaseMeansAndVariances( counts(cds)[,colsB], sizeFactors(cds)[colsB] ) pvals <- nbinomTestForMatrices( counts(cds)[,colsA], counts(cds)[,colsB], sizeFactors(cds)[colsA], sizeFactors(cds)[colsB], fitInfo(cds,"A")$dispFunc( rowMeans( counts( cds, normalized=TRUE ) ) ), fitInfo(cds,"B")$dispFunc( rowMeans( counts( cds, normalized=TRUE ) ) ) ) names( pvals ) <- row.names( counts(cds) ) head( pvals ) # This here should give the same results: head( nbinomTest( cds, "A", "B" )$pval ) }