\name{nbinomTest} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{nbinomTest} \title{ Test for differences between the base means for two conditions } \description{ This function tests for differences between the base means of two conditions (i.e., for differential expression in the case of RNA-Seq). } \usage{ nbinomTest(cds, condA, condB, pvals_only = FALSE, eps=NULL ) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{cds}{ a CountDataSet with size factors and raw variance functions } \item{condA}{ one of the conditions in 'cds' } \item{condB}{ another one of the conditions in 'cds' } \item{pvals_only}{ return only a vector of (unadjusted) p values instead of the data frame described below. } \item{eps}{ This argument is no longer used. Do not use it. } } \details{ See \code{\link{nbinomTestForMatrices}} for more technical informations } \value{ A data frame with the following columns: \item{id}{The ID of the observable, taken from the row names of the counts slots.} \item{baseMean}{The base mean (i.e., mean of the counts divided by the size factors) for the counts for both conditions} \item{baseMeanA}{The base mean (i.e., mean of the counts divided by the size factors) for the counts for condition A} \item{baseMeanB}{The base mean for condition B} \item{foldChange}{The ratio meanB/meanA} \item{log2FoldChange}{The log2 of the fold change} \item{pval}{The p value for rejecting the null hypothesis 'meanA==meanB'} \item{padj}{The adjusted p values (adjusted with 'p.adjust( pval, method="BH")')} } \author{ Simon Anders, sanders@fs.tum.de } \examples{ cds <- makeExampleCountDataSet() cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds ) cds <- estimateDispersions( cds ) head( nbinomTest( cds, "A", "B" ) ) }