\name{CountDataSet-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{CountDataSet-class} \title{Class "CountDataSet" -- a container for count data from HTS experiments } \description{ This is the main class for the present package. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects should be created with calls to \code{\link{newCountDataSet}} (q.v.). } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{eSet} (package 'Biobase'), directly. Class \code{VersionedBiobase} (package 'Biobase'), by class "eSet", distance 2. Class \code{Versioned} (package 'Biobase'), by class "eSet", distance 3. } \note{ Note: This is a summary for reference. For an explanation of the actual usage, see the vignette. A CountDataSet object stores counts from an HTS data set and offers further slots which are populated during the analysis. After creation with \code{\link{newCountDataSet}}, a CountDataSet typically contains a count table, i.e., a matrix of integer data, that is accessible with the accessor function \code{\link{counts}}. Each row of the matrix corresponds to a gene (or binding region, or the like), and each colum to an experimental sample. The experimental conditions of the samples are stored in a factor (with one element for each row of the counts matrix), which can be read with the accessor function \code{\link{conditions}}. In the following analysis steps, further data slots are populated. First, the size factors can be estimated with \code{\link{estimateSizeFactors}}, which are afterwards accessible via \code{\link{sizeFactors}}. Then, the dispersions (variance fits) are estimated with \code{\link{estimateDispersions}}. The resulting estimates are stored in phenoData columns, accessible via \code{pData}, with the column names staring with \code{disp_}. The intermediate steps of the fit are stored in the environment-values slot \code{fitInfo} (see \code{\link{estimateDispersions}} for details). Internally, the mentioned data is stored in slots as follows: As \code{CountDataSet} is derived from \code{eSet}, it has a \code{phenoData} slot which allows to store sample annotation. This is used to store the factor with the conditions, as a data frame column named \code{condition}, and to store the size factors, as an numeric data frame column named \code{sizeFactor}. If the user creates an object with multivariate design, i.e., passes a data frame instead of a factor for \code{conditions}, this data frame's columns are placed in the \code{phenoData} slot instead of the \code{condition} column. Furthermore, the function \code{\link{estimateDispersions}} adds columns with the dispersion values to be used by \code{\link{nbinomTest}} and \code{\link{fitNbinomGLMs}}. These columns have names starting with \code{disp_}. The user may add further columns to the \code{phenoData} AnnotatedDataFrame. The counts table is stored in the \code{eSet}'s \code{assayData} locked environment with the name \code{counts}. The slot \code{dispInfo} is an environment containing lists, one for each set of estimated dispersion values and the slot \code{dispTable} (with accessor \code{\link{dispTable}} shows the assignment of conditions to dispersion estimates. See \code{\link{estimateDispersions}} } \examples{ # See the vignette }