%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % ./twoSampleFromGraph.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{twoSampleFromGraph} \alias{twoSampleFromGraph} \title{Given a basis (typically the eigenvectors of a graph Laplacian), builds two multivariate normal samples with mean shift located in the first elements of the basis} \description{ Given a basis (typically the eigenvectors of a graph Laplacian), builds two multivariate normal samples with mean shift located in the first elements of the basis. } \usage{twoSampleFromGraph(n1=20, n2=n1, shiftM2=0, sigma, U, k=ceiling(ncol(U)/3))} \arguments{ \item{n1}{An \code{\link[base]{integer}} value specifying the number of points in the first sample.} \item{n2}{An \code{\link[base]{integer}} value specifying the number of points in the second sample.} \item{shiftM2}{A \code{\link[base]{numeric}} value giving the desired squared Mahalanobis norm of the mean shift between the two samples.} \item{sigma}{A matrix giving the covariance structure of each sample.} \item{U}{A matrix giving the desired basis.} \item{k}{An \code{\link[base]{integer}} value giving the number of basis elements in which the mean shift must be located.} } \value{ A \code{\link[base]{list}} with named elements: \describe{ \item{X1}{The first sample in the original basis (before transformation by U).} \item{X2}{The second sample in the original basis (before transformation by U).} \item{X1}{The first sample in the specified basis (after transformation by U).} \item{X2}{The second sample in the specified basis (after transformation by U).} \item{mu1}{The population mean of F1} \item{mu2}{The population mean of F2} \item{diff}{mu1 - mu2} } } \author{Laurent Jacob, Pierre Neuvial and Sandrine Dudoit} \examples{ library("KEGGgraph") library("rrcov") ## Create a random graph graph <- randomWAMGraph(nnodes=5, nedges=7, verbose=TRUE) plot(graph) ## Retrieve its adjacency matrix A <- graph@adjMat ## write it to KGML file grPathname <- "randomWAMGraph.xml" writeAdjacencyMatrix2KGML(A, pathname=grPathname, verbose=TRUE, overwrite=TRUE) ## read it from file gr <- parseKGML2Graph(grPathname) ## Two examples of Laplacians from the same graph lapMI <- laplacianFromA(A, ltype="meanInfluence") print(lapMI) lapN <- laplacianFromA(A, ltype="normalized") print(lapN) U <- lapN$U p <- nrow(A) sigma <- diag(p)/sqrt(p) X <- twoSampleFromGraph(100, 120, shiftM2=1, sigma, U=U, k=3) ## T2 t <- T2.test(X$X1,X$X2) str(t) tu <- graph.T2.test(X$X1, X$X2, lfA=lapMI, k=3) str(tu) }