\name{classLoi2008} \docType{data} \alias{classLoi2008} \title{Tamoxifen treatment resistance status data used in the DEGraph package vignette} \description{ This data set gives resistance status data for the 255 patients used in the DEGraph package vignette. This comes from the 15737 gene, 255 patient dataset of Loi et al. (2008) which was used to study resistance to tamoxifen treatment in hormone-dependent breast cancer. } \usage{classLoi2008} \format{A vector of 255 elements which are either 0 (resistance to treatment) or 1 (sensitivity to treatment).} \examples{ data("Loi2008_DEGraphVignette") dim(classLoi2008) head(classLoi2008) } \source{ Loi et al., \emph{Predicting prognosis using molecular profiling in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treated with tamoxifen.} BMC Genomics, 9(1):239, 2008.} \references{ Loi et al., \emph{Predicting prognosis using molecular profiling in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treated with tamoxifen.} BMC Genomics, 9(1):239, 2008. } \author{Laurent Jacob, Pierre Neuvial and Sandrine Dudoit} \keyword{datasets}