\name{CalculateEfficiencyArray} \alias{CalculateEfficiencyArray} \title{ Calculates the Efficiency of Probe/Target Sequence Pairs } \description{ Calculates the Gibb's free energy and hybridization efficiency of probe/target pairs at varying concentrations of the denaturant formamide. } \usage{ CalculateEfficiencyArray(probe, target, FA = 0, dGini = 1.96, Po = 10^-2.0021, m = 0.1731, temp = 42, deltaGrules = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{probe}{ A \code{DNAStringSet} object or character vector with pairwise-aligned probe sequences in 5' to 3' orientation. } \item{target}{ A \code{DNAStringSet} object or character vector with pairwise-aligned target sequences in 5' to 3' orientation. } \item{FA}{ A vector of one or more formamide concentrations (as percent v/v). } \item{dGini}{ The initiation free energy. The default is 1.96 [kcal/mol]. } \item{Po}{ The effective probe concentration. } \item{m}{ The m-value defining the linear relationship of denaturation in the presence of formamide. } \item{temp}{ Equilibrium temperature in degrees Celsius. } \item{deltaGrules}{ Free energy rules for all possible base pairings in quadruplets. If NULL, defaults to the parameters obtained using NimbleGen microarrays and a Linear Free Energy Model developed by Yilmaz \emph{et al}. } } \details{ This function calculates the free energy and hybridization efficiency (HE) for a given formamide concentration ([FA]) using the linear free energy model given by: \deqn{HE = Po*exp[-(dG_0 + m*FA)/RT]/(1+Po*exp[-(dG_0 + m*FA)/RT])} Probe and target input sequences must be entered in pairwise alignment, such as that given by \code{pairwiseAlignment}. Only "A", "C", "G", "T", and "-" characters are permitted in the probe sequence. If deltaGrules is NULL then the rules defined in \code{data(deltaGrules)} are used. } \value{ A \code{matrix} with the predicted Gibb's free energy (dG) and hybridization efficiency (HE) at each concentration of formamide ([FA]). } \references{ Coming soon! } \author{ Erik Wright \email{DECIPHER@cae.wisc.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{deltaGrules}} } \examples{ probes <- c("AAAAACGGGGAGCGGGGGGATACTG", "AAAAACTCAACCCGAGGAGCGGGGG") targets <- c("CAACCCGGGGAGCGGGGGGATACTG", "TCGGGCTCAACCCGAGGAGCGGGGG") result <- CalculateEfficiencyArray(probes, targets, FA=0:40) dG0 <- result[, "dG_0"] HE0 <- result[, "HybEff_0"] plot(result[1, 1:40], xlab="[FA]", ylab="HE", main="Probe/Target # 1", type="l") }