\name{getAnnotationChoices} \alias{getAnnotationChoices} \title{Retrieve all possible annotation values used in the annotation report tool...} \usage{getAnnotationChoices(urlBase=DAVIDURLBase, curl=RCurl::getCurlHandle(), verbose=TRUE)} \description{Retrieve all possible annotation values used in the annotation report tool} \details{When the getAnnotationChoices gets called the first time within the R session, it retrieves the set of annotation values from the DAVID web services, stores them within the DAVIDAnnotChoices data structure and then reuses it in subsequent calls.} \value{the list of possible annotation tags, i.e. GOTERM_MF_4, GOTERM_MF_5, BLOCKS_ID etc. used with the annotationReport tool.} \seealso{{\code{\link{getIdConversionChoices}}, \code{\link{getAffyChipTypes}}, \code{\link{convertIDList}}, \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}}}} \author{Roger Day, Alex Lisovich} \arguments{\item{urlBase}{the DAVID main page url. Default is DAVIDURLBase.} \item{curl}{RCurl handle. Default is getCurlHandle()} \item{verbose}{if TRUE enables diagnostic messages}} \examples{\dontrun{ #retrieve annotation values annotChoices<-getAnnotationChoices(); #display choice dialog item<-menu(graphics = TRUE, title = "Select Identifier", annotChoices$from[,"name"]); #retrieve identifier for subsequent conversion ident<-annotChoices$from[item,"value"]; }}