\name{plotGAPS} \alias{plotGAPS} \title{Plotter for GAPS decomposition results} \description{Plots the A and P matrices obtained from the GAPS matrix decomposition.} \usage{ plotGAPS(A, P, outputPDF="") } \arguments{ \item{A}{The amplitude matrix \eqn{{\bf{A}}} obtained from GAPS.} \item{P}{The pattern matrix \eqn{{\bf{P}}} obtained from GAPS.} \item{outputPDF}{Name of an pdf file to which the results will be output. (Optional; default="" will output plots to screen).} } \note{ If the plot option is true in \code{\link{CoGAPS}}, this function will be called automatically to plot results to the screen. } \author{Elana J. Fertig \email{efertig@jhmi.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{CoGAPS}}}