\name{ave.adj.probes} \alias{ave.adj.probes} \title{ Averaging of adjacent probes in copy number arrays } \description{ For each sample the log-ratios at each consecutive K number of probes are averaged. } \usage{ ave.adj.probes(data, K) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ Copy Number Array object (output of function CNA() from the package DNAcopy). First column contains chromosomes, second column contains genomic locations. Each remaining column contains log-ratios from a particular tumor or sample. } \item{K}{ Number of markers to be averaged. Should be selected so that the final resolution of the averaged data would be 5,000-10,000 markers. } } \details{ Averages log-ratios in every K consecutive markers. The purpose of this step is to reduce the noise in the data, eliminate possible very small germline copy number variations, and get rid of a possible wave effect. } \value{ Returns CNA object of reduced resolution } \examples{ # Same example as in clonality.analysis() #Analysis of paired breast samples from study #Hwang ES, Nyante SF, Chen YY, Moore D, DeVries S, Korkola JE, Esserman LJ, and Waldman FM. #Clonality of lobular carcinoma in situ and synchronous invasive lobular cancer. Cancer 100(12):2562-72, 2004. #library(gdata) #needed to read .xls files #library(DNAcopy) #arrayinfo<-read.xls("http://waldman.ucsf.edu/Colon/nakao.data.xls") #needed to extract genomic locations #data<-read.xls("http://waldman.ucsf.edu/Breast/Hwang.data.xls") #data<-data[!is.na(data[,2]),] #data<-data[apply(is.na(data),1,sum)<=50,] #data<-data[,apply(is.na(data),2,sum)<=1000] #data$Position<-arrayinfo$Mb[match(toupper(as.character(data[,1])),toupper(as.character(arrayinfo[,1])))] #data<-data[!is.na(data$Position),] #data<-data[c(TRUE,data$Position[-1]!=data$Position[-1864]),] #discard probes with repeated genomic locations #data<-data[data$Chromosome<=22,] #getting rid of X and Y chromosomes #dataCNA<-CNA(as.matrix(data[,c(4:51)]),maploc=data$Position,chrom=data$Chromosome,sampleid=names(data)[c(4:51)]) #The averaging is not needed. Used only as example. #dataAve<- ave.adj.probes(dataCNA,2) }