\name{makeChrStrandData} \alias{makeChrStrandData} \title{ Map a data matrix onto chromosome coordinates } \description{ Given an ExpressionSet, or a data matrix with row names corresponding to the probe or gene IDs in an accompanying annotation package, this function returns a data structure that can be used with the \code{plotChrMap} function. This code is based on the Makesense method from the geneplotter package, extended to use both the CHRLOC and CHRLOCEND annotation environments from recent AnnotationDbi packages. In principle, any AnnotationDbi-based package could be used to provide chromosome location data to this function; all that matters is that the probe or gene identifiers used by the annotation package should be from the same source as the data ExpressionSet featureNames or matrix row names. } \usage{ makeChrStrandData(expr, lib) } \arguments{ \item{expr}{The ExpressionSet or data matrix to remap.} \item{lib}{The name of the annotation package to use.} } \value{ A ChrStrandData object suitable for use with plotChrMap. } \references{ geneplotter, annotate and AnnotationDbi packages } \author{ Tim F Rayner } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotChrMap}}, \code{\link{ChrStrandData-class}} } \examples{ data('demo') chrdata <- makeChrStrandData(exprs(ALLs.chr22), lib = "hgu95av2.db") } \keyword{array}