\name{createChrMatrix} \alias{createChrMatrix} \title{Generate chromosome-based subset matrices from the mapped data structures generated by makeChrStrandData} \description{ Given a data object from makeChrStrandData, generate a matrix containing a subset of the data from a given region of a given chromosome strand, with data binned at appropriate intervals along the chromosome. The minimum width of the binning interval is controlled using the "interval" argument, which can therefore be used to control the output resolution of the data. } \usage{ createChrMatrix(data, chr, strand = c('forward','reverse','both'), subset = NULL, start=1, end, interval=ceiling((end - start)/500)) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A ChrStrandData object (e.g. generated by \code{makeChrStrandData}).} \item{chr}{The name of the chromosome to plot.} \item{strand}{The chromosome strand to plot (`both' indicates that both strands should be overlaid in a single heatmap).} \item{subset}{An optional numeric vector indicating which samples should be plotted.} \item{start}{The starting chromosome coordinate from which to plot.} \item{end}{The ending chromosome coordinate.} \item{interval}{The (optional) size of the data bins to use along the chromosome, in bases.} } \details{ Typically this function will not be called directly, but rather via the wrapper \code{plotChrMap} function. Note that this function may combine data from multiple probes or genes (taking the mean) into a single chromosomal locus based on the size of the specified interval. If this happens the combined probe/gene identifiers are concatenated in the output object, separated by a semicolon. } \value{ A ChrStrandMatrix object suitable for use with \code{chrHeatMap} and \code{drawMapDendro}. } \author{ Tim F Rayner } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotChrMap}}, \code{\link{chrHeatMap}}, \code{\link{drawMapDendro}}, \code{\link{ChrStrandMatrix-class}}, \code{\link{ChrStrandData-class}} } \examples{ data('demo') stranddata <- createChrMatrix( chrdata, chr=22, strand='forward', start=21925000, end=24300000 ) } \keyword{array}