\name{ChrStrandData} \docType{class} \alias{class:ChrStrandData} \alias{ChrStrandData} \alias{ChrStrandData-class} \alias{show,ChrStrandData-method} \alias{summary,ChrStrandData-method} \alias{annotation,ChrStrandData-method} \alias{chrNames,ChrStrandData-method} \alias{sampleNames,ChrStrandData-method} \title{ Class to contain data associated with chromosome coordinates across a whole genome. } \description{ Container for data from high-throughput assays mapped to chromosome locations. } \section{Creating Objects}{ The most convenient way to create a ChrStrandData object is to use the \code{makeChrStrandData} function, which can be used to convert data stored in either an \code{ExpressionSet} or data frame into a \code{ChrStrandData} object: \code{makeChrStrandData(ALL, lib = "hgu95av2.db")} } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{data}{a 'list', whose components correspond to samples in the same order as appearing in the columns of 'expr'. Each component is also a 'list', named by chromosomes "1"-"22", "X" and "Y". Each named component is again a 'list' with two elements named "posS" and "negS", corresponding to the forward and reverse strands of a chromosome, each of which is a list containing start coordinates ("x"), end coordinates("xe") and the corresponding data values ("y").} \item{lib}{A string giving the name of the annotation data package to use.} \item{chrs}{The list of chromosomes represented in the object.} } } \section{Methods}{ Class-specific methods. \describe{ \item{\code{annotation(ChrStrandData)}}{Returns the name of the AnnotationDbi library used to annotate the object.} \item{\code{chrNames(ChrStrandData)}}{Returns a list of the chromosomes represented in the object.} \item{\code{sampleNames(ChrStrandData)}}{Returns the names of the samples associated with the object.} } Standard generic methods: \describe{ \item{\code{show(ChrStrandData)}}{Generates a short description of the ChrStrandData object.} \item{\code{summary(ChrStrandData)}}{Generates a summary of the data available for each chromosome in the ChrStrandData object.} } } \author{Tim F Rayner} \seealso{ \code{\link{makeChrStrandData}}, \code{\link{ChrStrandMatrix-class}}. } \examples{ data('demo') chrdata <- makeChrStrandData(exprs(ALLs.chr22), lib = "hgu95av2.db") } \keyword{classes}