\name{read.SDFset} \alias{read.SDFset} \title{ SD file to \code{SDFset} } \description{ Imports one or many molecules from an SD/MOL file and stores it in an \code{SDFset} container. } \usage{ read.SDFset(sdfstr = sdfstr, ...) } \arguments{ \item{sdfstr}{ path/name to an SD file; alternatively an \code{SDFstr} object can be provided } \item{\dots}{ option to pass on additional arguments } } \details{ ... } \value{ \item{SDFset}{ for details see ?"SDFset-class"} } \references{ SDF format defintion: http://www.symyx.com/downloads/public/ctfile/ctfile.jsp } \author{ Thomas Girke } \seealso{ Functions: \code{read.SDFstr} } \examples{ ## Write instance of SDFset class to SD file data(sdfsample); sdfset <- sdfsample # write.SDF(sdfset[1:4], file="sub.sdf") ## Import SD file # read.SDFset("sub.sdf") ## Pass on SDFstr object sdfstr <- as(sdfset, "SDFstr") read.SDFset(sdfstr) } \keyword{ utilities }