\name{plotStruc} \alias{plotStruc} \alias{plot} \title{ Plot compound structures } \description{ Plots compound structure(s) for molecules stored in SDF and SDFset containers. } \usage{ ## Convenience plot method # plot(x, griddim, print_cid=cid(x), print=TRUE, ...) ## Less important for user plotStruc(sdf, atomcex = 1.2, atomnum = FALSE, no_print_atoms = c("C"), noHbonds = TRUE, bondspacer = 0.12, ...) } \arguments{ \item{sdf}{ Object of class \code{SDF} } \item{atomcex}{ Font size for atom labels } \item{atomnum}{ If \code{TRUE}, then the atom numbers are included in the plot. They are the position numbers of each atom in the atom block of an SDF. } \item{no_print_atoms}{ Excludes specified atoms from being plotted. } \item{noHbonds}{ If \code{TRUE}, then the C-hydrogens and their bonds - explicitly defined in an SDF - are excluded from the plot. } \item{bondspacer}{ Numeric value specifying the plotting distance for double/triple bonds. } \item{\dots}{ Arguments to be passed to/from other methods. } } \details{ The function \code{plotStruc} depicts a single 2D compound structure based on the XY-coordinates specified in the atom block of an SDF. The generic method \code{plot} can be used as a convenient shorthand to plot one or many structures at once. Both functions depend on the availability of the XY-coordinates in the source SD file and only 2D (not 3D) representations are plotted correctly. Additional arguments that can only be passed on to the \code{plot} function when supplied with an SDFset object: \code{griddim}: numeric vector of length two to define the dimensions for arranging several structures in one plot. \code{print_cid}: character vector for printing custom compound labels. Default is \code{print_cid=cid(sdfset)}. \code{print}: if \code{print=TRUE}, then a summary of the SDF content for each supplied compound is printed to the screen. This behavior is turned off with \code{print=TRUE}. } \value{ Prints summary of SDF/SDFset to screen and plots their structures to graphics device. } \references{ ... } \author{ Thomas Girke } \note{ The compound depictions created by this function are not as pretty as the structure representations generated with the \code{sdf.visualize} function. This will be improved in the future. } \seealso{ \code{sdf.visualize} } \examples{ ## Import SDFset sample set data(sdfsample) (sdfset <- sdfsample) ## Plot single compound structure plotStruc(sdfset[[1]]) ## Plot several compounds structures plot(sdfset[1:4]) ## Customize plot plot(sdfset[1:4], griddim=c(2,2), print_cid=letters[1:4], print=FALSE, noHbonds=FALSE) } \keyword{ aplot } \keyword{ utilities }