\name{groups} \alias{groups} \title{ Enumeration of Functional Groups and Atom Neighbors } \description{ Returns frequency information of functional groups in molecules provided as \code{SDF} or \code{SDFset} objects. Alternatively, the function can return for each atom its atom/bond neighbor information. } \usage{ groups(x, groups = "fctgroup", type) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ \code{SDF} or \code{SDFset} containers } \item{groups}{ if \code{groups="fctgroup"}, frequencies of functional groups are returned; if \code{groups="neighbors"}, atom/bond neighbor information is returned. } \item{type}{ if \code{type="all"}, then the complete neighbor information is generated for each atom in a molecule; if \code{type="count"}, the neighbors are enumerated in a list and if \code{type="countMA"}, then the counts of atom neighbors or functional groups are returned in a frequency matrix. } } \details{ At this point this function is in an experimental stage. } \value{ ... } \references{ ... } \author{ Thomas Girke } \seealso{ ... } \examples{ ## Instances of SDFset class data(sdfsample) sdfset <- sdfsample ## Enumerate functional groups groups(sdfset[1:20], groups="fctgroup", type="countMA") ## Report atom/bond neighbors groups(sdfset[1:4], groups="neighbors", type="countMA") groups(sdfset[1:4], groups="neighbors", type="count") groups(sdfset[1:4], groups="neighbors", type="all") } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ utilities }