\name{grepSDFset} \alias{grepSDFset} \title{ String search in \code{SDFset} } \description{ Convenience grep function for string searching in \code{SDFset} containers. } \usage{ grepSDFset(pattern, x, field = "datablock", mode = "subset", ignore.case = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{pattern}{ search pattern } \item{x}{ \code{SDFset} } \item{field}{ delimits search to specific section in SDF; can be \code{header}, \code{atomblock}, \code{bondblock} or \code{datablock} } \item{mode}{ if \code{mode = "index"}, then the match positions are returned as vector; if \code{mode = "subset"}, a \code{list} with \code{SDF} components is returned where every entry has at least one query match } \item{ignore.case}{ \code{TRUE} turns off case sensitivity } \item{\dots}{ option to pass on additional arguments } } \details{ ... } \value{ \item{numeric}{ index vector where the name field contains the component positions in the \code{SDFset} and the values the row positions in each sub-component. } \item{list}{ if \code{mode = "subset"}} } \references{ ... } \author{ Thomas Girke } \seealso{ Class: \code{SDFset} } \examples{ ## Instances of SDFset class data(sdfsample) sdfset <- sdfsample ## String Searching in SDFset q <- grepSDFset("65000", sdfset, field="datablock", mode="subset") as(q, "SDFset") grepSDFset("65000", sdfset, field="datablock", mode="index") } \keyword{ utilities }