\name{bonds} \alias{bonds} \title{ Bonds, charges and missing hydrogens } \description{ Returns information about bonds, charges and missing hydrogens in \code{SDF} and \code{SDFset} objects. } \usage{ bonds(x, type = "bonds") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ \code{SDF} or \code{SDFset} containers } \item{type}{ If \code{type="bonds"} (default), a \code{data.frame} is returned with columns: \code{atom} (atom labels), \code{Nbondcount} (observed bond count), \code{Nbondrule} (bond count according to position in periodic table) and \code{charge} (charge of each atom). If \code{type="charge"}, all charged atoms are returned and if \code{type="addNH"}, the number of missing hydrogens are returned for each molecule. } } \details{ It is used by many other functions (e.g. \code{MW}, \code{MF}, \code{atomcount}, \code{atomcuntMA} and \code{plot}) to correct for missing hydrogens that are often not specified in SD files. } \value{ If \code{x} is of class \code{SDF}, then a single \code{data.frame} or \code{vector} is returned. If \code{x} is of class \code{SDFset}, then a \code{list} of \code{data.frames} or \code{vecotors} is returned that has the same length and order as \code{x}. } \references{ ... } \author{ Thomas Girke } \seealso{ Functions: \code{conMA} Class: \code{SDF} and \code{SDFset} } \examples{ ## Instances of SDFset class data(sdfsample) sdfset <- sdfsample ## Returns data frames with bonds and charges bonds(sdfset[1:2], type="bonds") ## Returns charged atoms in each molecule bonds(sdfset[1:2], type="charge") ## Returns the number of missing hydrogens in each molecule bonds(sdfset[1:2], type="addNH") } \keyword{ utilities }