\name{atomsubset} \alias{atomsubset} \title{ Subset SDF/SDFset Objects by Atom Index to Obtain Substructure } \description{ Function to obtain a substructure from SDF/SDFset objects by providing a row index for the atom block in an SDF referencing the atoms of interest. The function subsets both the atom and bond block(s) accordingly. } \usage{ atomsubset(x, atomrows, datablock = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ object of class \code{SDFset} or \code{SDF} } \item{atomrows}{ The argument \code{atomrows} can be assigned a numeric index referencing the atoms in the atom block of \code{x}. If \code{x} is of class \code{SDF}, the index needs to be provided as \code{vector}. If \code{x} is of class \code{SDFset}, the same number of index vectors as molecules stored in \code{x} need to be passed on in a list with component names identical to the component (molecule) names stored in \code{x}. } \item{datablock}{ By default the data block(s) in \code{SDF/SDFset} objects are removed after atom subsetting. The setting \code{datablock=TRUE} will maintain the data block information in the subsetted result. } } \details{ ... } \value{ object of class \code{SDF} or \code{SDFset} } \references{ ... } \author{ Thomas Girke } \seealso{ ... } \examples{ ## Instance of SDFset class data(sdfsample) sdfset <- sdfsample ## Subset one or more molecules with atom index(es) to obtain substructure(s) atomsubset(sdfset[[1]], atomrows=1:18) indexlist <- list(1:18, 1:12) names(indexlist) <- cid(sdfset[1:2]) atomsubset(sdfset[1:2], atomrows=indexlist) } \keyword{ utilities }