\name{atomcount} \alias{atomcount} \alias{atomcountMA} \alias{MW} \alias{MF} \title{ Molecular property functions } \description{ Functions to compute molecular properties: weight, formula, atom frequencies, etc. } \usage{ atomcount(x, addH = FALSE, ...) atomcountMA(x, ...) MW(x, mw=atomprop, ...) MF(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ object of class \code{SDFset} or \code{SDF} } \item{mw}{ \code{data.frame} with atomic weights; imported by default with data(atomprop); supports custom data sets } \item{addH}{ 'addH = TRUE' should be passed on to any of these function to add hydrogens that are often not specified in SD files } \item{\dots}{ Arguments to be passed to/from other methods. } } \details{ ... } \value{ \item{named vector}{\code{MW} and \code{MF}} \item{list}{\code{atomcount}} \item{matrix}{\code{atomcountMA}} } \references{ Standard atomic weights (2005) from: http://iupac.org/publications/pac/78/11/2051/ } \author{ Thomas Girke } \seealso{ Functions: \code{datablock}, \code{datablocktag} } \examples{ ## Instance of SDFset class data(sdfsample) sdfset <- sdfsample ## Compute properties; to consider missing hydrogens, set 'addH = TRUE' MW(sdfset[1:4], addH = FALSE) MF(sdfset[1:4], addH = FALSE) atomcount(sdfset[1:4], addH = FALSE) propma <- atomcountMA(sdfset[1:4], addH = FALSE) boxplot(propma, main="Atom Frequency") ## Example for injecting a custom matrix/data frame into the data block of an ## SDFset and then writing it to an SD file props <- data.frame(MF=MF(sdfset), MW=MW(sdfset), atomcountMA(sdfset)) datablock(sdfset) <- props view(sdfset[1:4]) # write.SDF(sdfset[1:4], file="sub.sdf", sig=TRUE, cid=TRUE) } \keyword{ utilities }