\name{getGeneSeq} \alias{getGeneSeq} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ get gene sequence using biomaRt package } \description{ get gene sequence using biomaRt package} \usage{ getGeneSeq(LocationParameters, mart) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{LocationParameters}{ c(ensembl_gene_id, distance from the peak to the transcription start site of the gene with the above ensemblID, upstream offset from the peak, downstream offset from the peak, Gene Start, Gene End) } \item{mart}{see useMart of bioMaRt package for details} } \details{ } \value{ a list with the following items \item{feature_id}{ensemble gene ID} \item{distancetoFeature}{distance from the peak to the transcriptionstart site of the gene with the above ensembl gene ID} \item{upstream}{upstream offset from the peakStart} \item{downstream}{downstream offset from the peakEnd} \item{seq}{sequence obtained around the peak with above upstream and downstream offset} } \references{ } \author{ Lihua Julie Zhu } \note{ internal function not intended to be called directly by users } \seealso{ } \examples{ if (interactive()) { mart <- useMart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="drerio_gene_ensembl") LocationParameters =c("ENSDARG00000054562",400, 750, 750,40454140,40454935) getGeneSeq(LocationParameters, mart) LocationParameters =c("ENSDARG00000054562",752, 750, 750,40454140,40454935) getGeneSeq(LocationParameters, mart) LocationParameters =c("ENSDARG00000054562",750, 750, 750,40454140,40454935) getGeneSeq(LocationParameters, mart) LocationParameters =c("ENSDARG00000054562",-2, 750, 750,40454140,40454935) getGeneSeq(LocationParameters, mart) LocationParameters =c("ENSDARG00000054562",0, 750, 750,40454140,40454935) getGeneSeq(LocationParameters, mart) LocationParameters =c("ENSDARG00000054562",2, 750, 750,40454140,40454935) getGeneSeq(LocationParameters, mart) LocationParameters =c("ENSDARG00000054562",1000, 750, 750,40454140,40454935) getGeneSeq(LocationParameters, mart) } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ internal } \keyword{ misc }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line