\name{MAPAmat} \alias{MAPAmat} \alias{chrBandInciMat} \alias{makeChrBandInciMat} \alias{makeChrBandGSC} \title{Mapping chromosome bands to genes} \description{ These functions return a mapping of chromosome bands to genes. \code{makeChrBandGSC} returns a \code{\link[GSEABase:GeneSetCollection-class]{GeneSetCollection}} object, with a \code{GeneSet} for each band. The other functions return a 0/1 incidence matrix with a row for each chromosme band and a column for each gene. Only those chromosome bands with at least one gene annotation will be included. } \usage{ MAPAmat(chip, univ = NULL, minCount = 0) chrBandInciMat(chip, univ = NULL, minCount = 0) makeChrBandInciMat(chrGraph) makeChrBandGSC(chrGraph) } \arguments{ \item{chip}{A string giving the annotation source. For example, \code{"hgu133plus2"}} \item{univ}{A vector of gene IDs (these should be Entrez IDs for most annotation sources). The the annotations will be limited to those in the set specified by \code{univ}. If \code{univ} is \code{NULL} (default), then the gene IDs are those found in the annotation data source.} \item{chrGraph}{A \code{graph} object as returned by \code{makeChrBandGraph}} \item{minCount}{ Bands with less than \code{minCount} genes will be excluded from the returned matrix. If \code{minCount} is \code{0}, no bands will be removed, this is the default.} } \details{ \code{chrBandInciMat} is a DEPRECATED alias for \code{MAPAmat}. } \value{ For \code{makeChrBandGSC}, a \code{GeneSetCollection} object with a \code{GeneSet} for each band. For the other functions, (0/1) incidence matrix with chromosome bands as rows and gene IDs as columns. A \code{1} in \code{m[i, j]} indicates that the chromosome band \code{rownames(m)[i]} contains the geneID \code{colnames(m)[j]}. } \author{Seth Falcon, Michael Lawrence} \seealso{ \code{\link{makeChrBandGraph}}, \code{\link{cateGOry}}, \code{\link{probes2MAP}} } \examples{ have_hgu95av2.db <- suppressWarnings(require("hgu95av2.db")) if (have_hgu95av2.db) mam <- MAPAmat("hgu95av2.db") } \keyword{manip}