\name{plotPeaks} \docType{methods} \alias{plotPeaks} \alias{plotPeaks-methods} \alias{plotPeaks,CNAnorm-method} \title{ Methods for Function plotPeaks in Package `CNAnorm' } \description{ \code{plotPeaks} plot annotated distribution of ratio Test/Normal } \usage{ \S4method{plotPeaks}{CNAnorm}(object, special1 = character(0), special2 = character(0), show ='suggested', ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of Class \code{"CNAnorm"}} \item{special1}{The chromosome/contig whose distribution will be shown with a different color } \item{special2}{The chromosome/contig whose distribution will be shown with a different color } \item{show}{A character verctor with one or both of the following: \code{"suggested"}, \code{"validated"}. Specify what need to be plotted } \item{...}{Further arguments to pass to the function \code{plot}} } \author{Stefano Berri \email{s.berri@leeds.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(CN) # see peakPloidy documentation to know how object CN is created plotPeaks(CN, special1 = 'chrX', special2 = 'chrY') } \seealso{ \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{validation}}, \code{\link{peakPloidy}} }