\name{plotGenome} \docType{methods} \alias{plotGenome} \alias{plotGenome-methods} \alias{plotGenome,CNAnorm-method} \title{ Methods for Function plotGenome in Package `CNAnorm' } \description{ \code{plotGenome} plot normalized ratio and optionally segmented and/or smoothed normalized ratio values in Package `CNAnorm'. It also shows annotation. } \usage{ \S4method{plotGenome}{CNAnorm}(object, maxRatio = 8, minRatio = -1, superimpose = character(0), supLineColor = character(0), supLineCex = character(0), numHorLables = 10, colorful = FALSE, fixVAxes = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of Class \code{"CNAnorm"}} \item{maxRatio}{The maximum ratio to be shown on the plot. Values or ratio greater than maxRatio will be displayed as green triangulars} \item{minRatio}{The minimum ratio to be shown on the plot. Values or ratio smaller than minRatio will be displayed as green triangulars} \item{superimpose}{A character verctor with one or both of the following: \code{"smooth"}, \code{"DNACopy"}} \item{supLineColor}{A three element character vector with colors to be used for \code{first superimposed line}, \code{second superimposed line}, \code{normalized ratio dots}. If none is provided, defaults are: c("black", "cyan", "grey60") } \item{supLineCex}{A two element character vector with \code{cex} valeus to be used for width of \code{first superimposed line} and \code{second superimposed line}. If none is provided, defaults are: c(0.5, 0.5) } \item{numHorLables}{. Number of maximum horizontal lables. The function will try to annotate numHorLables so that they are approximately equally spaced.} \item{colorful}{A switch to decide if the background dots representing the ratio of each window should be gray or colored according their value in relation to the peak closest to the median} \item{fixVAxes}{A switch to decide if the vertical axes should be fixed to minRatio and maxRatio or fit the data within minRatio and maxRatio.} \item{...}{Further arguments to pass to the function \code{plot}} } \value{An object of class \code{"CNAnorm"}} \author{Stefano Berri \email{s.berri@leeds.ac.uk} and Arief Gusnanto \email{a.gusnanto@leeds.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(CN) # see peakPloidy documentation to know how object CN is created CN <- addDNACopy(CN) CN <- validation(CN) CN <- discreteNorm(CN) plotGenome(CN, superimpose = 'DNACopy') } \seealso{ \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{par}}, \code{\link{peakPloidy}} }