\name{exportTable} \docType{methods} \alias{exportTable} \alias{exportTable-methods} \alias{exportTable,CNAnorm-method} \title{ Methods for Function exportTable in Package `CNAnorm' } \description{ \code{exportTable} write a table with normalised values of each window. A wrapper to \code{"write.table"} } \usage{ \S4method{exportTable}{CNAnorm}(object, file = "CNAnorm_table.tab", show = 'ratio', sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of Class \code{"CNAnorm"}} \item{file}{name of the file to save to} \item{show}{what should be reported in the table: \code{"ratio"}: the normalized ratio (a value of 1 means diploid). \code{"ploidy"}: the same as ratio * 2. \code{"center"}: report ratio centered on the most abbundant copy. Ratio of 1 means that the most abbundant ``state'' is centered to 1} \item{sep}{the field separator string.} \item{row.names}{either a logical value indicating whether the row number should be written or a character vector of row names to be written.} \item{...}{Extra arguments to be passed to \code{"write.table"}} } \value{An object of class \code{"CNAnorm"}} \details{It produces a tab delimited text file with the following columns: Chr: Chromosome/contig name. Pos: Starting position of the window. Ratio: Ratio Test/Normal for each window after GC correction. Ratio.n: Ratio Test/Normal or ploidy for each window after normalisation. Ratio.s.n: Smoothed and normalised ratio Test/Normal or ploidy for each window. SegMean: Mean of the segment this window belongs to. SegMean.n: Normalised mean ratio Test/Normal or ploidy of the segment this window belongs to. } \author{Stefano Berri \email{s.berri@leeds.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(CN) CN <- validation(CN) CN <- discreteNorm(CN) exportTable(CN, file = "CNAnorm_table.tab", show = 'ploidy') } \seealso{ \code{\link{write.table}} } \keyword{methods, export, dataframe, table}