\name{discreteNorm} \docType{methods} \alias{discreteNorm} \alias{discreteNorm-methods} \alias{discreteNorm,CNAnorm-method} \title{ Methods for Function addSmooth in Package `CNAnorm' } \description{ \code{discreteNorm} performs normalization of data using information on ploidy. Implicitly calls \code{"validation"} if no validation was performed } \usage{ \S4method{discreteNorm}{CNAnorm}(object, normBy = object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of Class \code{"CNAnorm"} to normalize} \item{normBy}{An object of Class \code{"CNAnorm"} used to set normalization. It is possible, for instance, to normalize a sample at high resolution, using information obtained from the same sample at low resolution} } \references{ Gusnanto, A., Wood, H.M., Pawitan, Y., Rabbitts, P. and Berri, S. (2011) \emph{Correcting for cancer genome size and tumour cell content enables better estimation of copy number alterations from next generation sequence data.} Bioinformatics} \value{An object of class \code{"CNAnorm"}} \author{Stefano Berri \email{s.berri@leeds.ac.uk} and Arief Gusnanto \email{a.gusnanto@leeds.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(CN) # see peakPloidy documentation to know how object CN is created CN <- discreteNorm(CN) } \seealso{ \code{\link{validation}}, \code{\link{peakPloidy}} }