\name{chromosomesPosition} \docType{methods} \alias{chrs} \alias{chrs-methods} \alias{chrs<-} \alias{chrs<--methods} \alias{pos} \alias{pos-methods} \alias{pos<-} \alias{pos<--methods} \title{ Accessors methods for Function ratio in Package `CNAnorm' } \description{ \code{chrs} returns/set the name of chromosomes/contigs \code{pos} returns/set the position of starting window. \bold{Be careful!} If you need to change data, it is better to change the input data and start over. } \usage{ chrs(object) pos(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of Class \code{"CNAnorm"}} } \value{\code{chrs} returns a numeric vector, \code{pos} returns a numeric vector} \author{Stefano Berri } \examples{ data(LS041) CN <- dataFrame2object(LS041) dataFrameNames <- as.character(LS041$Chr) objectNames <- chrs(CN) # check the names are, indeed, the same all(dataFrameNames == objectNames) # make shorter names, drop the first three letters ('chr') shortNames <- substr(chrs(CN),4,nchar(chrs(CN))) chrs(CN) <- shortNames # retrieve all new names unique(chrs(CN)) } \seealso{ \code{\link{gcNorm}}, \code{\link{CNAnorm-class}} } \keyword{methods, accessor, get}