\name{addSmooth} \docType{methods} \alias{addSmooth} \alias{addSmooth-methods} \alias{addSmooth,CNAnorm-method} \title{ Methods for Function addSmooth in Package `CNAnorm' } \description{ \code{addSmooth} segment and smooth perform ratio values in Package `CNAnorm' } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "CNAnorm")}}{ Segment and smooth perform ratio values on an object of class \code{"CNAnorm"}. Returns the same object with extra slot (\code{ratio.s})} } } \usage{ \S4method{addSmooth}{CNAnorm}(object, lambda = 7, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of Class \code{"CNAnorm"}} \item{lambda}{Degree of smoothness. See reference for more details} \item{...}{Further arguments to pass to the function \code{smoothseg}} } \value{An object of class \code{"CNAnorm"}} \author{Stefano Berri \email{s.berri@leeds.ac.uk} and Arief Gusnanto \email{a.gusnanto@leeds.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(LS041) CN <- dataFrame2object(LS041) CN.gcNorm <- gcNorm(CN, exclude = c("chrX", "chrY", "chrM")) CN.smooth <- addSmooth(CN) } \seealso{ \code{\link{ratio.s}}, \code{\link{CNAnorm-class}} } \references{ Huang, J., Gusnanto, A., O'Sullivan, K., Staaf, J., Borg, A. and Pawitan, Y. (2007) \emph{Robust smooth segmentation approach for array CGH data analysis}. Bioinformatics } \keyword{methods, segmentation, smoothing}