\name{DerivData-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{DerivData-class} \alias{length,DerivData-method} \title{Class "DerivData"} \description{ A Class containing data derived from InData used for further computation and plotting.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("DerivData")}, however DerivData is typically populated using methods. If a slot has not been populated yet, it has zero length, otherwise slots have the same length as \code{InData}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ratio}:}{Numeric vector with ratio Test/Normal. Optionally GC corrected.} \item{\code{ratio.s}:}{Numeric vector with smoothed ratio.} \item{\code{ratio.n}:}{Numeric vector with normalized ratio.} \item{\code{ratio.s.n}:}{Numeric vector with normalized and smoothed ratio.} \item{\code{segID}:}{Numeric vecotr with ID of segmented data (as provided by DNACopy). Each \code{segment} has a different ID.} \item{\code{segMean}:}{Numeric vector with mean value of the segment (as provided by DNACopy.)} \item{\code{segMean.n}:}{Numeric vector with normalized segMean.} \item{\code{ok4density}:}{Logical vector. Specify wich values have been used to calculate density.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{length}{\code{signature(x = "DerivData")}: Returns number of windows.} } } \references{Gusnanto, A., Wood, H.M., Pawitan, Y., Rabbitts, P. and Berri, S. (2011) \emph{Correcting for cancer genome size and tumor cell content enables better estimation of copy number alterations from next generation sequence data.} Bioinformatics} \author{ Stefano Berri and Arief Gusnanto } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{CNAnorm}}, \code{\link{InData-class}} } \examples{ data(LS041) inObject <- new("InData", Chr = as.character(LS041$Chr), Pos = LS041$Pos, Test = LS041$Test, Norm = LS041$Norm, GC = LS041$GC) CNA <- new("CNAnorm", InData = inObject) } \keyword{classes}