% --- Source file: sas.list.Rd --- \name{sas.list} \alias{sas.list} \docType{data} \title{ List for SAS data sets } \description{ The list to use for type 4 (SAS) data sets } \format{ The format is: List of 3 \describe{ \item{sas.exe}{The complete path to the executable file to start SAS. If there is a command (eg sas) to start SAS from any directory, then use the command instead. No default. } \item{sas.file}{Path to the file sasfile.sas. This file can be found in the exec subfolder of the CaseControl.Genetics library. No default. } \item{shell}{The default is "bash".} } } \details{ In this list, \code{sas.exe} and \code{sas.file} must be specified. The option \code{shell} is only useful when running on UNIX. } \keyword{misc}