% --- Source file: locusMap.list.Rd --- \name{locusMap.list} \alias{locusMap.list} \docType{data} \title{ List to describe the locus map data } \description{ The list to describe the locus map data for \code{\link{chromosome.plot}}. } \format{ The format is: List of 8 \describe{ \item{file}{File containing the locus map data. This file must contain at least three columns: a column for the SNP names, a column for the chromosomes, and a column for the location of the SNP on the chromosome. The location should be numeric values. No default. } \item{file.type}{ 1, 3 or 4 (see details). The default is 3.} \item{delimiter}{ The delimiter used in the files. The default is "\\t" (a tab).} \item{header}{0 or 1 if the file contains a header of variable names. The default is 0.} \item{snp.var}{Variable name (e.g. rs number) or column number of the SNP (locus) variable. No default.} \item{chrm.var}{Variable name (e.g. chromosome number) or column number of the chromosome variable. No default.} \item{loc.var}{Variable name or column number of the location variable, which denotes the SNP's position on the chromosome. This variable should be numeric. No default.} \item{sas.list}{See \code{\link{sas.list}}. The default is NULL.} } } \details{ In this list, \code{file} must be specified. The types of files are described below. \itemize{ \item \code{Type 1} An .rda file where the saved object was a data frame. \item \code{Type 3} A flat file. \item \code{Type 4} A SAS data set (see \code{\link{sas.list}}). } } %\examples{} \keyword{misc}