% --- Source file: QQ.plot.Rd --- \name{QQ.plot} \alias{QQ.plot} \title{QQ plot } \description{ Create a quantile-quantile plot } \usage{ QQ.plot(pvals, op=NULL)} \arguments{ \item{pvals}{Vector of p-values. No default.} \item{op}{List of options (see details). The default is NULL.} } \details{Plots the ranked p-values against their expected order statistics on a minus log base 10 scale. \bold{Options list op:} Below are the names for the options list \code{op}. All names have default values if they are not specified. \itemize{ \item \code{title} Character string for the title of the plot. The default is "QQ PLOT". \item \code{color} The color of the plot. The default is "blue". } } % END: details %\value{} %\references{ } %\author{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{chromosome.plot}}} \examples{ set.seed(123) p <- runif(1000) QQ.plot(p) } \keyword{ misc }