\name{xsAnnotate} \alias{xsAnnotate} \title{xsAnnotate constructor for an provided xcmsSet object} \description{ This function deals with the construction of an xsAnnotate object. It extracts the peaktable from a provided xcmsSet, which is used for all further analysis. The xcmsSet can be a single sample or multiple sample experiment. Since some functions needs the raw data a selection algorithm must be choosen in the case of a multiple sample. CAMERA includes two different strategies: A defined selection of samples (sample = indices of samples) or the default automatic solution (sample = NA). The automatic solution chooses the best sample for a specifc groups called pseudospectrum, see \link{groupFWHM} and \link{groupCorr}. It returns a xsAnnotate object, see \link{xsAnnotate-class}. } \usage{ xsAnnotate(xs = NULL, sample=NA, nSlaves = 1, polarity = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{xs}{a \code{xcmsSet} object} \item{sample}{ Indices of the group xcmsSet sample, that are used for the EIC correlation step. For automatic selection don't set a value. For use all samples simply define sample = c(1:n), with n = number of samples. } \item{nSlaves}{ For parallel mode set nSlaves higher than 1, but not higher than the number of cpu cores. } \item{polarity}{ Set polarity mode: "positive" or "negative" } } \examples{ library(faahKO) xs <- group(faahko) xsa <- xsAnnotate(xs, sample=c(1:12)) #With automatic selection xsa.autoselect <- xsAnnotate(xs) } \value{ A \code{xsAnnotate} object. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xsAnnotate-class}} } \author{Carsten Kuhl, \email{ckuhl@ipb-halle.de}} \keyword{file}