\name{parseAlignment} \alias{parseAlignment} \title{Compute probabilities of alignments} \description{ Compute probability of alignments and save them into \emph{.prob} file. } \usage{ parseAlignment( alignFile, outFile, trSeqFile, inputFormat=NULL, trInfoFile=NULL, expressionFile=NULL, readsN=NULL, uniform=TRUE, lenMu=NULL, lenSigma=NULL, verbose=NULL, veryVerbose=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{alignFile}{File containing read alignments.} \item{outFile}{Name of the output file.} \item{inputFormat}{Input format: possible values \code{SAM}, \code{BAM}.} \item{trInfoFile}{If transcript reference sequence information is contained within SAM file, program will write this information into , otherwise it will look for this information in the .} \item{trSeqFile}{File containing transcript sequence in FASTA format.} \item{expressionFile}{Transcript relative expression estimates --- for better non-uniform read distribution estimation.} \item{readsN}{Total number of reads. This is usually not necessary if SAM/BAM contains also reads with no valid alignments.} %\item{failed}{File name where to save names of reads that failed to align as pair.} \item{uniform}{Use uniform read distribution.} \item{lenMu}{Set mean of log fragment length distribution. \eqn{l_{frag} \sim LogNormal(\mu,\sigma^2)}{l_frag ~ LogNormal(mu,sigma^2)}} \item{lenSigma}{Set \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2} (or variance) of log fragment length distribution. \eqn{l_{frag} \sim LogNormal(\mu,\sigma^2)}{l_frag ~ LogNormal(mu,sigma^2)}} %\item{distributionFile}{Name of file to which read-distribution should be saved.} %\item{procN}{Maximum number of threads to be used.} \item{verbose}{Verbose output.} \item{veryVerbose}{Very verbose output.} } \details{ This function uses the alignments and reference file to assign probability to each alignment. It uses either bias-corrected or uniform model for the read distribution, assumes Log-Normal distribution of fragment lengths for pair-end read data and uses quality scores and mismatches to assign probability for every alignment of a read (or fragment) to a transcript. } \value{ \item{.prob}{file containing the alignment probabilities} \item{.tr}{file containing reference transcript names, lengths and effective lengths - optional} } \author{Peter Glaus} \seealso{\code{\link{estimateExpression}}} \examples{\dontrun{ parseAlignment(alignFile="data.sam", outFile="data.prob", trSeqFile="trReference.fa" ,trInfoFile="data.tr") }} \keyword{alignment probability }