\name{loadSamples} \alias{loadSamples} \alias{writeSamples} \title{Loading and saving expression samples} \description{Functions for loading expression samples into DataFrame and saving samples from DataFrame into a file.} \usage{ loadSamples(fileName, trInfoFile=NULL) writeSamples(data, fileName) } \arguments{ \item{fileName}{Name of the file with samples or to which the samples are written.} \item{data}{DataFrame with samples written to the file.} \item{trInfoFile}{Transcript information file which can be used to name the rows.} } \details{ The \code{loadSamples} function load samples from the specified file into a \code{DataFrame}. If the transcript information file is provided, the transcript names are use as row names. The \code{writeSamples} function can save samples from a \code{DataFrame} into a file in format which is valid for BitSeq and can be used in other functions. } \value{ \item{DataFrame}{Containing the expression samples} } \author{Peter Glaus} \seealso{\code{\link{estimateExpression}}} \examples{\dontrun{ samples1<-loadSamples("data-c0b1.rpkm") writeSamples(samples1,"new-c0b1.rpkm") }} \keyword{expression samples}