\name{getDE} \alias{getDE} \title{Estimate Probability of Positive Log Ratio} \description{Using expression samples, program estimates the probability of differential expression for each transcript.} \usage{ getDE( cond1, cond2, outPrefix=NULL, samples=FALSE, trInfoFile=NULL ) } \arguments{ \item{cond1}{List of files containing the expression samples for condition 1.} \item{cond2}{List of files containing the expression samples for condition 2.} \item{outPrefix}{Prefix for the output files. Otherwise program creates temporary files, which are only valid for current R session.} \item{samples}{Produce samples of condition mean expression apart from PPLR and confidence.} \item{trInfoFile}{Transcript information file providing the names of transcripts.} } \details{ This function uses \code{estimateHyperPar} function to estimate the hyperparameters for DE model and the uses \code{estimateDE} function to infer the condition mean expression and calculate Probability of Positive Log Ratio. } \value{ \code{list} with items: \item{pplr}{\code{DataFrame} with PPLR and other statistics} \item{fn}{\code{list} with file names for PPLR file \code{pplr} and condition mean expression samples \code{C1samples}, \code{C2samples} (only with option \code{samples=TRUE})} } \author{Peter Glaus} \seealso{\code{\link{getExpression}}, \code{\link{estimateHyperPar}}, \code{\link{estimateDE}}} \examples{\dontrun{ cond1Files = c("data-c0b0.rpkm","data-c0b1.rpkm") cond2Files = c("data-c1b0.rpkm","data-c1b1.rpkm") deRes <- getDE( cond1=cond1Files, cond2=cond2Files ) ## top 10 DE transcripts head(deRes$pplr[ order(abs(0.5-deRes$pplr$pplr), decreasing=TRUE ), ], 10) }} \keyword{differential expression}