\name{estimateHyperPar} \alias{estimateHyperPar} \title{Estimate hyperparameters for DE model using expression samples and joint mean expression} \description{Estimate hyperparameters for the Differential Expression model using expression samples and produced smoothed values of the hyperparameters depending on joint mean expression.} \usage{ estimateHyperPar( outFile, cond1=NULL, cond2=NULL, paramsInFile=NULL, meanFile=NULL, force=TRUE, exThreshold=NULL, lambda0=NULL, paramsAllFile=NULL, smoothOnly=NULL, lowess_f=NULL, lowess_steps=NULL, verbose=NULL, veryVerbose=NULL ) } \arguments{ \item{outFile}{Name of the output file.} \item{cond1}{List of files containing the expression samples for condition 1.} \item{cond2}{List of files containing the expression samples for condition 2.} \item{paramsInFile}{File produced by previous run of the function using \code{paramsAllFile} flag.} \item{meanFile}{Name of the file containing joint mean and variance.} \item{exThreshold}{Threshold of lowest expression for which the estimation is done.} \item{paramsAllFile}{Name of the file to which to store all parameter values generated prior to lowess smoothing(good for later, more careful re-smoothing.)} \item{smoothOnly}{Input file contains previously sampled hyperparameters which should smoothed only.} \item{verbose}{Verbose output.} Advanced options: \item{force}{Force smoothing hyperparameters, otherwise program might not produce parameters file at the end.} \item{lambda0}{Model parameter lambda0.} \item{lowess\_f}{Parameter F for lowess smoothing specifying amount of smoothing.} \item{lowess\_steps}{Parameter Nsteps for lowess smoothing specifying number of iterations.} \item{veryVerbose}{More verbose output.} %\item{groupsNumber}{Number of groups of transcript of similar size.} %\item{samplesNumber}{Number of samples generated for each group.} } %\details{} \value{ \item{.par}{file containing the smoothed hyperparameters} \item{.ALLpar}{file containing all hyperparameter samples prior to smoothing - optional} } \author{Peter Glaus} \seealso{\code{\link{estimateDE}}} \examples{\dontrun{ cond1Files = c("data-c0b0.rpkm","data-c0b1.rpkm") cond2Files = c("data-c1b0.rpkm","data-c1b1.rpkm") estimateHyperPar( cond1=cond1Files, cond2=cond2Files, outFile="data.par", meanFile="data.means", verbose=TRUE) estimateHyperPar( outFile="data.par", paramsInFile="data.ALLpar", smoothOnly=TRUE ) }} \keyword{DE model hyperparameters}