\name{Package Groups} \alias{biocases_group} \alias{RBioinf_group} \alias{monograph_group} \alias{all_group} \title{ Convenience functions to return package names associated with Bioconductor publications. } \description{ Returns character vectors of packages associated with Bioconductor publications, which can then be passed to \code{\link{biocLite}()} } \usage{ monograph_group() RBioinf_group() biocases_group() all_group() } \value{ \code{character()} of package names. } \seealso{ \code{\link{biocLite}} Installs/updates Bioconductor/CRAN packages. \code{\link{biocinstallRepos}} returns the Bioconductor and CRAN repositories used by \code{biocLite}. \code{\link{install.packages}} installs the packages themselves. \code{\link{chooseBioCmirror}} lets you choose from a list of all public Bioconductor mirror URLs. \code{\link{chooseCRANmirror}} lets you choose from a list of all public CRAN mirror URLs. } \examples{ ## Get the names of packages used in the book ## "Bioconductor Case Studies": biocases_group() ## Get the names of packages used in the book ## "R Programming for Bioinformatics": RBioinf_group() ## Get the names of packages used in the monograph ## "Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions ## Using R and Bioconductor": monograph_group() ## Get the names of all Bioconductor software packages all_group() } \keyword{environment}