\name{biocLite} \alias{biocLite} \title{ Install or update Bioconductor and CRAN packages } \description{ \code{biocLite} installs or updates Bioconductor and CRAN packages, ensuring that packages from the appropriate version of Bioconductor are installed, and that all packages remain up to date. } \usage{ biocLite (pkgs=c("Biobase","IRanges","AnnotationDbi"), suppressUpdates=FALSE, suppressAutoUpdate=FALSE, siteRepos=character(), ask=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{pkgs}{\code{character()} of package names to install or update. A value of \code{character(0)} and \code{suppressUpdates=FALSE} updates packages without installing new ones.} \item{suppressUpdates}{\code{logical(1)} indicating whether to suppress automatic updating of all installed packages, or \code{character()} of regular expressions specifying which packages to NOT automatically update.} \item{suppressAutoUpdate}{\code{logical(1)} indicating whether the \code{BiocInstaller} package updates itself.} \item{siteRepos}{\code{character()} representing an additional repository in which to look for packages to install. This repository will be prepended to the default repositories (which you can see with \code{\link{biocinstallRepos}}).} \item{ask}{\code{logical(1)} indicating whether to prompt user before installed packages are updated, or the character string 'graphics', which brings up a widget for choosing which packages to update. If TRUE, user can choose whether to update all outdated packages without further prompting, to pick and choose packages to update, or to cancel updating (in a non-interactive session, no packages will be updated). Otherwise, the value is passed to \code{\link{update.packages}}.} \item{...}{Additional arguments. \code{lib.loc} is passed to \code{\link{old.packages}} (used to determine the library location of installed packages to be updated). \code{lib} is passed to \code{\link{install.packages}} (used to determine the library location where \code{pkgs} are to be installed).} } \details{ The \code{biocLite()} function is generally used after sourcing the file \code{biocLite.R}. This will install the \code{BiocInstaller} package if it is not already installed. See example section for more information. } \value{ \code{biocLite()} returns the \code{pkgs} argument, invisibly. } \seealso{ \code{\link{biocinstallRepos}} returns the Bioconductor and CRAN repositories used by \code{biocLite}. \code{\link{install.packages}} installs the packages themselves. \code{\link{update.packages}} updates all installed packages. \code{\link{chooseBioCmirror}} lets you choose from a list of all public Bioconductor mirror URLs. \code{\link{chooseCRANmirror}} lets you choose from a list of all public CRAN mirror URLs. \code{\link{monograph_group}}, \code{\link{RBioinf_group}} and \code{\link{biocases_group}} return package names associated with Bioconductor publications. \code{\link{all_group}} returns the names of all Bioconductor software packages. } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## Change default Bioconductor and CRAN mirrors chooseBioCmirror() chooseCRANmirror() ## If you don't have the BiocInstaller package installed, you can ## quickly install and load it as follows: source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") ## The most recent version of the BiocInstaller package is now loaded. ## No need to load it with library(). biocLite() # installs default packages ## Now install a CRAN package: biocLite("survival") ## install a Bioconductor package, but don't update all installed ## packages as well: biocLite("GenomicRanges", suppressUpdates=TRUE) ## Install default packages, but do not update any package whose name ## starts with "org." or "BSgenome." biocLite(suppressUpdates=c("^org\\.", "^BSgenome\\.")) ## install a package from source: biocLite("IRanges", type="source") ## don't install any packages, but update installed packages biocLite(character(0), ask=FALSE) ## install all Bioconductor software packages biocLite(all_group()) } ## Show the Bioconductor and CRAN repositories that will be used to ## install/update packages. biocinstallRepos() } \keyword{environment}