\name{get} \alias{get} \alias{mget} \title{Return the value of a named object} \description{ Search for an R object with a given name and return it. NOTE: This man page is for the \code{get} and \code{mget} S4 generic functions defined in the BiocGenerics package. See \code{?base::\link[base]{get}} for the default methods (defined in the base package). Bioconductor packages can define specific methods for objects (list-like or environment-like) not supported by the default methods. } \usage{ get(x, pos=-1, envir=as.environment(pos), mode="any", inherits=TRUE) mget(x, envir, mode="any", ifnotfound=list(function(x) stop(paste0("value for '", x, "' not found"), call.=FALSE)), inherits=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ For \code{get}: A variable name (or, more generally speaking, a \emph{key}), given as a single string. For \code{mget}: A vector of variable names (or \emph{keys}). } \item{envir}{ Where to look for the key(s). Typically a list-like or environment-like object. } \item{pos, mode, inherits, ifnotfound}{ See \code{?base::\link[base]{get}} for a description of these arguments. } } \details{ See \code{?base::\link[base]{get}} for details about the default methods. } \value{ For \code{get}: The value corresponding to the specified key. For \code{mget}: The list of values corresponding to the specified keys. The returned list must have one element per key, and in the same order as in \code{x}. See \code{?base::\link[base]{get}} for the value returned by the default methods. } \seealso{ \code{base::\link[base]{get}} for the default \code{get} and \code{mget} methods. \code{\link[methods]{showMethods}} for displaying a summary of the methods defined for a given generic function. \code{\link[methods]{selectMethod}} for getting the definition of a specific method. \link[AnnotationDbi]{get,ANY,AnnDbBimap,missing-method} in the AnnotationDbi package for the \code{get} method defined for \link[AnnotationDbi]{AnnDbBimap} objects. \link{BiocGenerics} for a summary of all the generics defined in the BiocGenerics package. } \examples{ get # note the dispatch on the 'x', 'pos' and 'envir' args only showMethods("get") selectMethod("get", c("ANY", "ANY", "ANY")) # the default method mget # note the dispatch on the 'x' and 'envir' args only showMethods("mget") selectMethod("mget", c("ANY", "ANY")) # the default method } \keyword{methods}