\name{updateObjectTo} \alias{updateObjectTo} \alias{updateObjectTo,ANY,ANY-method} \title{Update an object to the class definition of a template} \description{ The \code{updateObjectTo} generic function returns an instance of \code{object} updated to the class definition of \code{template}. It requires that the class of the returned object be the same as the class of the \code{template} argument, and that the object is valid. Usually, updating proceeds by modifying slots in \code{template} with information from \code{object}, and returning \code{template}. Use \code{\link{as}} to coerce an object from one type to another; \code{updateObjectTo} might be useful to update a virtual superclass. By default, \code{updateObjectTo} has the following behavior: \describe{ \item{\code{updateObjectTo(ANY-object,ANY-template)}}{Attempt \code{as(ANY-object,class(ANY-template))}.} } } \usage{ updateObjectTo(object, template, \dots, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object to be updated.} \item{template}{Instance representing a template for updating object.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, for use in specific update methods.} \item{verbose}{A logical, indicating whether information about the update should be reported. Use \code{message} to report this.} } \value{ \code{updateObjectTo} returns a valid instance of \code{template}. } \author{Biocore team} \seealso{ \code{\link[BiocGenerics]{updateObject}}, \code{\link{Versions-class}} } \keyword{manip}